With its popularity nowadays, it is no surprise that you are thinking of having external shutters at your home. Installing external shutters come with a long list of benefits that will surely make your

Window Treatments can be described as elements (both decorative and productive) that are added to the windows and doors in your home. Examples include curtains, window blinds, shades, shutters and drapes. Most people simply

You may be wondering if plantation shutters are right for you. With so much information out there, it can be challenging to decide if the expense of plantation shutters is worth it. Some common

Are shutters waterproof? The answer to the question is not a simple yes or no. Shutters are made from different types of materials. Some are waterproof; some are not. Waterproof shutter materials are composed

Shutters are a specific type of panel covering for windows that are used to keep a home protected from damage from the outdoor elements. They can also be used to keep your home protected

What Are Window Shutters? Window shutters are a type of window covering that is used to cover and provide privacy to the outside world. They are often known as Plantation shutters, wooden shutters, or